Australian Facetors' Guild Limited

New Membership or Renewal

Joining Fee
This covers the issue of Guild lapel badge, car sticker, Memorandum & Articles of Association and current magazine.

Annual Subscription

Ordinary Membership, both Australian and Overseas, includes access to the Electronic Copies of Facet Talk Only
Ordinary Membership does not include the printed copies of Facet Talk.
This option is available at an extra annual cost, currently $45.00 per annum.  

Annual Renewal

Renewal can be made from September each year. Renewal can be done online through your profile by clicking on your Name top right of the main page under Guild Limited or by hard copy with the form printed on the reverse side of the address sheet with Facet Talk at renewal time.

The Guild Membership year runs from 01 October to 30 September. Persons joining the Guild after July 31 pay Full Joining Fee and Full Annual Fee, but will be regarded as Financial for the following year commencing October 1.

If you intend joining on line please be aware that the subscription fee is pro-rated.  When paying using Pay Pal the amount you are required to pay is immediately evident but if paying by EFT or other means please wait until you receive an e-mailed invoice from the web site. (This will happen very soon after you complete the application.) This invoice will have the correct amount you will need to pay to become financial for the remainder of the membership year.

If Annual Subscription is increased at Annual General Meeting, these persons will be liable for such increase in addition to original subscription paid. You may download the Application form here or join online below.

 New Members Application Form 2023.pdf

 Membership Renewal Form 2023.pdf

Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

Copyright 2015 Australian Facetors' Guild Limited  •  Site by Highland Creative

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